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Plugin file

Plugin configuration file
    "name": "milesight-am103",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "Milesight AM103 device template for integrating into",
    "author": "",
    "license": "MIT",
    "repository": {
        "type": "git",
        "url": "",
        "directory": "milesight-am103"
    "metadata": {
        "name": "Milesight AM103",
        "description": "Milesight AM103 device template for integrating into",
        "image": "assets/milesight-am103.png"
    "resources": {
        "products": [
                "config": {
                    "icons": []
                "enabled": true,
                "name": "Milesight AM103",
                "product": "milesight_am103",
                "profile": {
                    "api": {
                        "downlink": {
                            "enabled": true,
                            "request": {
                                "data": {
                                    "path": "/downlink",
                                    "payload": "{\n    \"data\"    : \"{{\"\"}}\",\n    \"port\"    :  {{payload.port=85}},\n    \"priority\":  {{payload.priority=3}}, // From 0 to 6\n    \"confirmed\" :  {{payload.confirmed=false}},\n    \"uplink\"  :  {{property.uplink}} // Last uplink received\n}",
                                    "payload_function": "",
                                    "payload_type": "",
                                    "plugin": "{{property.uplink.source}}",
                                    "target": "plugin_endpoint"
                            "response": {
                                "data": {
                                    "payload": "{{payload}}",
                                    "payload_function": "",
                                    "payload_type": "source_payload",
                                    "source": "request_response"
                        "reboot": {
                            "enabled": true,
                            "request": {
                                "data": {
                                    "payload": "{\n    \"data\" : {{}},\n    \"priority\" : {{payload.priority=7}},\n    \"confirmed\": true\n}",
                                    "payload_function": "",
                                    "payload_type": "",
                                    "resource": "downlink",
                                    "target": "resource"
                            "response": {
                                "data": {
                                    "payload": "{{payload}}",
                                    "payload_function": "",
                                    "payload_type": "source_payload",
                                    "source": "request_response"
                        "reporting_interval": {
                            "description": "Configure the reporting interval in seconds",
                            "enabled": true,
                            "request": {
                                "data": {
                                    "payload": "{\n    \"data\" : \"{{}}\",\n    \"priority\" : {{payload.priority=3}},\n    \"confirmed\": true\n}",
                                    "payload_function": "",
                                    "payload_type": "",
                                    "resource": "downlink",
                                    "target": "resource"
                            "response": {
                                "data": {
                                    "payload": "{{payload}}",
                                    "payload_function": "",
                                    "payload_type": "source_payload",
                                    "source": "request_response"
                        "uplink": {
                            "enabled": true,
                            "request": {
                                "data": {
                                    "payload": "{{payload}}",
                                    "payload_function": "",
                                    "payload_type": "source_payload",
                                    "resource_stream": "",
                                    "target": "resource_stream"
                            "response": {
                                "data": {}
                    "autoprovisions": {
                        "am103": {
                            "config": {
                                "mode": "pattern",
                                "pattern": "am103_.*"
                            "description": "Autoprovision AM103",
                            "enabled": true
                    "buckets": {
                        "milesight_am103": {
                            "backend": "influxdb",
                            "data": {
                                "payload": "{{payload}}",
                                "payload_function": "decode",
                                "payload_type": "",
                                "resource_stream": "uplink",
                                "source": "resource_stream"
                            "enabled": true,
                            "tags": []
                    "code": {
                        "code": "/**\n * Payload Decoder\n *\n * Copyright 2024 Milesight IoT\n *\n * @product AM103 / AM103L\n */\n\nconst downlinkChannel = \"ff\";\n\nfunction decimalToHexString(number)\n{\n  if (number < 0)\n  {\n    number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1;\n  }\n\n  let hexNumber = number.toString(16);\n\n  if ((hexNumber.length % 2) > 0) {\n    hexNumber = \"0\" + hexNumber;\n  }\n\n  if ((hexNumber.length % 4) > 0) {\n    hexNumber = \"000\" + hexNumber;\n  }\n\n  return hexNumber;\n}\n\nconst changeEndianness = (string) => {\n        const result = [];\n        let len = string.length - 2;\n        while (len >= 0) {\n          result.push(string.substr(len, 2));\n          len -= 2;\n        }\n        return result.join('');\n}\n\n\nfunction setReportingInterval(seconds) {\n    const type = \"03\";\n\n    return downlinkChannel+type+changeEndianness(decimalToHexString(seconds));\n}\n\nfunction reboot(input) {\n    if ( input ) {\n        return downlinkChannel+\"10ff\";\n    }\n}\n\n// Thinger Plugin\nfunction decode(input) {\n    console.log(\"jaimito1\",;\n    return milesightDeviceDecode(Buffer.from(, 'hex'))\n}\n\n// Chirpstack v4\nfunction decodeUplink(input) {\n    var decoded = milesightDeviceDecode(input.bytes);\n    return { data: decoded };\n}\n\n// Chirpstack v3\nfunction Decode(fPort, bytes) {\n    return milesightDeviceDecode(bytes);\n}\n\n// The Things Network\nfunction Decoder(bytes, port) {\n    return milesightDeviceDecode(bytes);\n}\n\nfunction milesightDeviceDecode(bytes) {\n    var decoded = {};\n\n    for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; ) {\n\n        var channel_id = bytes[i++];\n        var channel_type = bytes[i++];\n        // BATTERY\n        if (channel_id === 0x01 && channel_type === 0x75) {\n            decoded.battery = bytes[i];\n            i += 1;\n        }\n        // TEMPERATURE\n        else if (channel_id === 0x03 && channel_type === 0x67) {\n            // ℃\n            decoded.temperature = readInt16LE(bytes.slice(i, i + 2)) / 10;\n            i += 2;\n\n            // ℉\n            // decoded.temperature = readInt16LE(bytes.slice(i, i + 2)) / 10 * 1.8 + 32;\n            // i +=2;\n        }\n        // HUMIDITY\n        else if (channel_id === 0x04 && channel_type === 0x68) {\n            decoded.humidity = bytes[i] / 2;\n            i += 1;\n        }\n        // CO2\n        else if (channel_id === 0x07 && channel_type === 0x7d) {\n            decoded.co2 = readUInt16LE(bytes.slice(i, i + 2));\n            i += 2;\n        }\n        // HISTORY DATA\n        else if (channel_id === 0x20 && channel_type === 0xce) {\n            var data = {};\n            data.timestamp = readUInt32LE(bytes.slice(i, i + 4));\n            data.temperature = readInt16LE(bytes.slice(i + 4, i + 6)) / 10;\n            data.humidity = bytes[i + 6] / 2;\n            data.co2 = readUInt16LE(bytes.slice(i + 7, i + 9));\n            i += 9;\n\n            decoded.history = decoded.history || [];\n            decoded.history.push(data);\n        } else {\n            break;\n        }\n    }\n\n    return decoded;\n}\n\n/* ******************************************\n * bytes to number\n ********************************************/\nfunction readUInt16LE(bytes) {\n    var value = (bytes[1] << 8) + bytes[0];\n    return value & 0xffff;\n}\n\nfunction readInt16LE(bytes) {\n    var ref = readUInt16LE(bytes);\n    return ref > 0x7fff ? ref - 0x10000 : ref;\n}\n\nfunction readUInt32LE(bytes) {\n    var value = (bytes[3] << 24) + (bytes[2] << 16) + (bytes[1] << 8) + bytes[0];\n    return (value & 0xffffffff) >>> 0;\n}\n\nfunction readInt32LE(bytes) {\n    var ref = readUInt32LE(bytes);\n    return ref > 0x7fffffff ? ref - 0x100000000 : ref;\n}\n",
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                        "storage": "",
                        "version": "1.0"
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                                "payload": "{{payload}}",
                                "payload_function": "",
                                "payload_type": "source_payload",
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                                "source": "resource_stream"
                            "default": {
                                "source": "value"
                            "enabled": true
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                                        "period": "latest",
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