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Node-RED is an Open Source project created by IBM to provide the Rule Engines market of a simple but powerful framework with an easy to use graphical programing interface, and a huge users community that has made more than 2.000 contributions.

This technology begins especially useful for IoT projects, to process and analyze data or create rules to automate behaviors in response to events produced by the IoT devices measures. It can also be used as an MQTT broker or to show data in customizable dashboards. However, its greatest potential is obtained when used in combination with an IoT platform like, leaving one in charge of data acquisition, storage, and device management and the other one for processing, automation, etc. web console with Node-RED plugin and ad-hoc nodes and Node-RED integration

We have made a great effort to simplify the integration between and Node-RED, which is materialized in the following elements:

  • A contribution to Node-RED repositories, called "node-red-contrib-thinger" that contains some nodes that has been specifically created to simplify the integration of Node-RED flows with features, allowing to interact with the IoT platform in the next ways:

    • Iterate over the assets from the Platform (asset iterator node).
    • Create buckets when an event occurs (bucket create node).
    • Read from data buckets (bucket read node).
    • Writing to data buckets (bucket write node).
    • Export data from buckets (bucket export node).
    • Calling devices callbacks with autoprovisioning (device callback node).
    • Creating any type of devices (device create node).
    • Reading a device resource when an event occurs (device read node).
    • Subscribing to device resources at a given interval (device stream node).
    • Sending data to a connected device (device write node).
    • Calling endpoints (endpoint call node).
    • Reading properties of devices, types or groups (property read node).
    • Writing and modifying properties of devices, types or groups (property write node).
    • Detecting different events of devices, buckets, endpoints and others (server events node).
    • Reading file contents of file storages (read storage node).
    • Writing new files or appending o existing files in file storages (write storage node).
  • A Node-RED Plugin that allows deploying Node-RED server into the same host as IoT platform instance, running 24x7 without any kind of limitation. This way the problem of hosting the node-RED on another machine disappears

Introduction to Node-RED Concepts

Node-RED is a development tool with two basic components: a "flow editor" that consists of a graphical programming tool that can be launched over any web-browser and a backend with the rule engine server that is able to execute the flows. This system is really easy to learn and to use, however, there are some concepts that you should know before starting to work with it:


The "Nodes" are the basic building blocks for creating flows. Each node contains its own configuration form and specific behavior, that can be accessed by double-clicking the block once it has been introduced in the web editor canvas. There are a few basic types of nodes:

Inject Nodes

Inject node image of Node-RED

This node allows to automatically start a flow when an event is triggered, at regular intervals defined in the properties form or manually over the web editor. The message sent by these nodes has the payload and topic properties set.

Function, Change, Switch Nodes

Function node image of Node-RED

Node-RED counts with some nodes that allows working with the flow's payload using pre-configured tools or coding their behavior in JavaScript functions that can be created within the editor using a rich text editor. With this proposal, these nodes are provided with both input and output connectors.

Output and Debug Nodes

Debug node image of Node-RED

These nodes only have an input connector that allows extracting data from the flow to third parties, files, or debugs console in the web editor.


The web editor contains a graphical list with all the available nodes that can be found in a Node-RED server, called "palette". in order to provide simple access when creating a flow. You can extend your palette just using the "palette manager" situated at Node-RED's main menu, in which you can find more than 2.000 additional nodes for your server that have been created by both Node-RED developers and by community contributors.


A flow is represented as a tab within the editor workspace and is the main way to organize nodes. Each flow can have a name, and a description that is displayed in the Information sidebar. All of the nodes in a specific flow can access the same flow-scoped context.

The flow editor makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette. Flows can be then deployed to the runtime just clicking into "debloy" button:

Deploy flow button in Node-RED

Debug Console

Is a section of the right slide bar that provides a structured view of the messages that are being sent by the debug nodes, making it easier to explore the performance of the execution.

Alongside each message, the debug sidebar includes information about the time the message was received and which Debug node sent it. Clicking on the source node id will reveal that node within the workspace.

Node-RED documentation

You can find additional documentation about the use of this tool in Node-RED's official website:

Starting with Nodes

In this section, it is described how to configure Node-RED " Nodes" to start working with any particular server, that could be your own instance or the public one that is hosted on "" and it is also necessary to provide an authorization to allow Node-RED to work with your account.

To make this configuration, just drag any Node to the canvas and open its properties form, then go to the last input, called "Server " and click into the edition button, which will open the Thinger-Server configuration menu.

Node-RED node configuration form

This form allows you to introduce the credentials of the specific instance address and authorization that is going to receive your Node-RED requests. However, it is important to take care of the next considerations in order to make a proper configuration:


  • If you are using Node-RED in a Plugin and you want to work with the same server that is hosting the plugin, it is only necessary to include $(THINGER_HOST) into "Host" box and $(THINGER_TOKEN_NODE_RED_PLUGIN) in the "Token" box, then you can disable SSL communication, as all messages are going to run into the same computer.

  • if you want to use a different Server or you aren't running Node-RED from a plugin, it will be necessary to include its URL or IP Address in the "Host" box and also a Access Token with Admin-Access privileges in the "Token" box, finally, SSL would be preferable in this case.

Node-RED server node configuration form Nodes

As it was explained in the beginning, this plugin has two purposes: Host a Node-RED server instance together with IoT server and improve their integration by including a set of custom nodes to simplify the extraction of data from IoT devices or calling other platform features. The next list contains a complete description of each node and its properties configuration:

Asset Iterator

Asset iterator node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that iterates over all the desired assets avaible on Platform given a filter. It is able to receive a JSON from Node-RED flow and automatically query the backend. This node is useful to execute operations over multiple assets at the same time.

The configuration of this Node requires introducing of at least the Asset.

There will be as many output messages as assets retrieved, each containing the information to only one asset.

Bucket Create

Bucket create node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that creates a Data Bucket into a Platform. It is able to receive a JSON from Node-RED flow and automatically create the Bucket, so results quite useful to implement scalable and on demand data storage to any project.

The configuration of this Node requires introducing of at least the Bucket ID and Data Source, but allows the introduction of the same fields from the Add Bucket operation. It is important to make proper management of the node, as if it is run in a loop may create an infinite number of buckets.

The output message will contain the result and details of the operation.

Bucket Export

Bucket export node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that executes a Data Bucket export operation and waits until the data is ready to be downloaded, returning the download file URL or the contents as desired. It is useful to extract data from for further analysis, storage or forwarding to other services.

The configuration of this Node requires introducing of at least the Bucket ID, Export Type, Data Range, and Timestamp Format. The input for this Node is a triggered event and the output will be a JSON format message with the download URL or the contents of the exported data.

Bucket Read

Bucket read node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that retrieves data from a specific Data Bucket when an injection Node requires it. It is useful to get data from buckets with a Node-RED programmed sampling interval.

To configure this node just include the Bucket ID, Filter and Sorting into the node parameters form. The input for this Node is a triggered event and the output will be a JSON format message with the buckets stored data.

Bucket Write

Bucket write node from image of Node-RED

It is an Output Node that allows to store data into the Data Bucket. It is able to receive a JSON from Node-RED flow and automatically create an entry into the Bucket, so results quite useful to implement scalable data storage to any project.

The configuration of this Node just requires introducing the Bucket ID, however, it is important to make proper management of the input JSON in order to store the right data. It is strongly recommended to filter the JSON keys using a "Change" Node and check the result with a "Debug" Node to be sure about the data that we are sending.

Device Callback

Device callback node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that calls an HTTP device callback in order to send a message or retrieve what the device has configured in its callback. If the device does not exist it will manage the auto provisioning of a new device and data bucket. It is useful to get auto provision new devices based of different events save its data from the beginning.

To configure this node just include the Device ID into the node parameters form or through an input message. The input for this Node is a triggered event and the output will be a JSON format message with the device callback response if any.

Device Create

Device create node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that creates a Device into the Platform. It is able to receive a JSON from Node-RED flow and automatically create the Device, so results quite useful to implement scalable and on demand device creation to any project.

The configuration of this Node requires introducing of at least the Bucket ID, Type and Credentials if applicable. However, allows the introduction of the same fields from the Add Device operation. It is important to make proper management of the node, as if it is run in a loop may create an infinite number of devices.

The output message will contain the result and details of the operation.

Device Read

Device read node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that retrieves data from a specific device resource when an injection Node requires it. It is useful to get data from devices with a Node-RED programmed sampling interval.

To configure this node just include the Device IDand the Resource Name into the node parameters form. The input for this Node is a triggered event and the output will be a JSON format message with the device resource variables.

Device Stream

Device stream node from image of Node-RED

It is an Injection Node that retrieves data from a specific Device Resource on regular defined interval expressed in seconds into the properties form.

To configure this node just include the Device IDand the Resource Name into the node parameters form. The output of this node will be a JSON with the real-time Device Resource data that was defined in the properties form.

Device Write

Device write node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that allows sending data to a connected Device. It is able to receive a JSON from Node-RED flow and automatically send it to other devices in real-time. So results quite useful to implement scalable device communication for any project.

The configuration of this Node just requires introducing the Device ID and the Resource ID , however, it is important to make proper management of the input JSON in order to store the right data. It is strongly recommended to filter the JSON keys using a "Change" Node and check the result with a "Debug" Node to be sure about the data that we are sending.

Endpoint Call

Endpoint call node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that allows calling the execution of a endpoint profile. It is able to receive a JSON that can be introduced in the endpoint in order to use that data in an e-mail or send it to third parties, so it is quite useful to create notifications or to integrating an IoT project with other systems.

The configuration of this Node just requires introducing the Endpoint ID, however, it is important to make a proper management of the input JSON in order to send the right data. It is strongly recommended to filter the JSON keys using a "Change" Node and check the result with a "Debug" Node to be sure about the data that we are sending.

Property Read

Property read node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that retrieves data from a specific device, type or group property when an injection Node requires it. It is useful to get data from assets with a Node-RED programmed sampling interval.

To configure this node just include the Asset Type, Asset IDand Property Name into the node parameters form. The input for this Node is a triggered event and the output will be a JSON format message with the asset's property value.

Property Write

Property write node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that writes data into a specific device, type or group property when an injection Node requires it. It is useful to save data into assets in order to manage different configurations and act accordingly.

To configure this node just include the Asset Type, Asset IDand Property Name into the node parameters form. The input for this Node is a triggered event and the output will be a JSON format message with the operation's result and details.

Storage Read

Storage read node from image of Node-RED

It is a Function Node that reads any file saved in a storage and returns it to Node-RED. It is able to read any file, returning the string representation for text files (plain, csv, json, ...) or a Buffer otherwise. Useful for retrieving and treating information or being able to pass the info to third party nodes.

The configuration of the node requires only the Storage ID, as it is able to read recursively. If a file path is passed it will read the file content, or its details, as desired. The input for this Node is a triggered event and the output will be a JSON format message with the operation's result and details.

Storage Write

Storage write node from image of Node-RED

It is an Output Node that allows to store data into the File Storage. It is able to receive a payload from Node-RED flow and automatically save or append into a file in the Storage, so results quite useful to implement scalable file storage to any project.

The configuration of this Node just requires introducing the Storage ID, however, it is important to make proper management of the input in order to store the right data.

Server Events

Server events node from image of Node-RED

It is an Inject Node that allows triggering in real-time any event that takes places in IoT Server over all existing assets, like device, types, groups or buckets. Some events contain also additional filter fields to filter from.

The configuration of each type requires to include the ID of the element that wants to be supervised. It is also possible to monitor every element leaving the identifier field empty.

When any of these events is triggered, this Node is able to inject a JSON in the flow with the identifier of the Bucket, Device, or Endpoint that has produced the event along with the relevant data.


If you need further technical information, you can find all the details for each node in Node-RED help dialog.

Useful Example Flows

In this section, you can find our own cookbook with some useful flows that you can use to get the maximum benefit from this integration

Using the "Device Status Change" property of the Server Event Node, it is possible to detect the disconnection of any device of your IoT network and execute a flow in Node-RED to notify the incidence using an endpoint sending an email for example.

The next flow uses two Nodes, the first one is triggering the Device Disconnection Server Event that will throw a JSON formatted message with the device ID, the status and the timestamp of the change. The second Node allows calling the Endpoint profile to send the alert with the device information JSON attached so it is possible to custom the message to easily identify the problem.

On device state change call DisconnectionAlert endpoint

This flow can be easily imported into your Node-RED workspace using the next JSON:

[{"id":"d577ba5d.a271b8","type":"tab","label":"Device Disconnection Alert","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"b5b501a2.a5287","type":"server-events","z":"d577ba5d.a271b8","name":"","asset":"","event":"device_state_change","filter":"","filters":{"state":"disconnected"},"bucket":"","device":"","endpoint":"","state":"disconnected","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":231,"y":158.99999809265137,"wires":[["6fd24968.0dc1b8"]]},{"id":"6fd24968.0dc1b8","type":"endpoint-call","z":"d577ba5d.a271b8","name":"","endpoint":"DisconnectionAlert","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":481,"y":158.99999809265137,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","type":"thinger-server","host":"$(THINGER_HOST)","name":"local","ssl":false}]

Note that, the Device ID parameter of the Server Event Node is empty, in order to monitor the status of every device in our network. The green indicator under this Node represents the connection status between Node-RED and server.

MQTT is an extended communication protocol in IoT that works on top of the TCP/IP protocol suite. It is designed for connections with remote locations where a "small code footprint" is required or the network bandwidth is limited. The next flow allows sending data from a device hosted by NodeRED MQTT Server to the REST API Callback of a HTTP device, in order to store, analyze an show that information with features.

From MQTT Topic to device callback

This flow can be easily imported into your Node-RED workspace using the next JSON:

[{"id":"a3d8dc1f.2ef57","type":"tab","label":"MQTT to","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"ce84849f.8d4278","type":"mqtt in","z":"a3d8dc1f.2ef57","name":"MQTT Device","topic":"Device","qos":"2","datatype":"json","broker":"79cc5157a4c20036","nl":false,"rap":false,"inputs":0,"x":193.0000114440918,"y":139.99999332427979,"wires":[["af229fc2.2759a"]]},{"id":"af229fc2.2759a","type":"function","z":"a3d8dc1f.2ef57","name":"Json Creator","func":"msg.payload = {\"temperatura1\":msg.payload};\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":352.9999771118164,"y":139.99999332427979,"wires":[["14bff97cb9a4beca"]]},{"id":"da89c2c1.ce839","type":"debug","z":"a3d8dc1f.2ef57","name":"Check Result","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","x":750,"y":140,"wires":[]},{"id":"14bff97cb9a4beca","type":"device-callback","z":"a3d8dc1f.2ef57","name":"","device":"temperature sensor","body":"","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":550,"y":140,"wires":[["da89c2c1.ce839"]]},{"id":"79cc5157a4c20036","type":"mqtt-broker","name":"","broker":"localhost","port":"1883","clientid":"","autoConnect":true,"usetls":false,"protocolVersion":"4","keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":"","birthMsg":{},"closeTopic":"","closeQos":"0","closePayload":"","closeMsg":{},"willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":"","willMsg":{},"userProps":"","sessionExpiry":""},{"id":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","type":"thinger-server","host":"$(THINGER_HOST)","name":"local","ssl":false}]

Note that his is an easy example that only retrieves data from just one MQTT device, however it is possible to create complex integrations

Geofencing is an interesting IoT use case, with many applications in asset management, fleets or package tracking. The next flow shows how to monitor the location of any device to create an alert when it leaves an area specified with a Geofence Node.

When device outside geofence call alert endpoint

Creating this integration with the "device_location" property, it is possible to integrate any kind of device including Software Clients, Sigfox, TTN or even HTTP devices in a very simple way.

This flow can be easily imported into your Node-RED workspace using the next JSON:

[{"id":"5f747490.ef8edc","type":"tab","label":"GPS Geofences","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"207937f8.10dc48","type":"server-events","z":"5f747490.ef8edc","name":"","asset":"","event":"device_callback_call","filter":"","filters":{},"bucket":"","device":"","endpoint":"","state":"","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":158.60000228881836,"y":264.00000381469727,"wires":[["8f3dd8cd.71e4e8","56adf62.4aa1108"]]},{"id":"553ff10.2e60c1","type":"geofence","z":"5f747490.ef8edc","name":"","mode":"polyline","inside":"false","rad":0,"points":[{"latitude":39.89203705190782,"longitude":-3.8814695924520493},{"latitude":40.06041580712444,"longitude":-3.507934436202049},{"latitude":40.09404176311921,"longitude":-3.0025633424520493},{"latitude":41.14474248673421,"longitude":-3.5299070924520493},{"latitude":40.253538217286675,"longitude":-4.628539904952049},{"latitude":40.102445657515226,"longitude":-3.771606311202049}],"centre":{},"floor":"","ceiling":"","worldmap":false,"outputs":1,"x":573.0000076293945,"y":265.0000276565552,"wires":[["be251c21.6d6e3","233f843b.94472c"]]},{"id":"be251c21.6d6e3","type":"endpoint-call","z":"5f747490.ef8edc","name":"","endpoint":"alert","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":771.6000595092773,"y":266.0000286102295,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"8f3dd8cd.71e4e8","type":"debug","z":"5f747490.ef8edc","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":399.6000061035156,"y":346.00000762939453,"wires":[]},{"id":"233f843b.94472c","type":"debug","z":"5f747490.ef8edc","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":790.6000366210938,"y":347.0000057220459,"wires":[]},{"id":"56adf62.4aa1108","type":"change","z":"5f747490.ef8edc","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"payload.payload","tot":"msg"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":389.6000061035156,"y":265.00000381469727,"wires":[["553ff10.2e60c1"]]},{"id":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","type":"thinger-server","host":"$(THINGER_HOST)","name":"local","ssl":false}]

In some situations it is required to change the unit or metric of any variable, it is now possible to make this transformations before store data in a data bucket by use this Node-RED flow:

Receive device callback, convert units and store

The configuration is quite simple, fist node retrieves the measurement of any device to be modified by the "function" node, that contains the codification that has been included below, and finally the "bucket write" node allows storing the transformed data.

The codification of the function node is:

msg.payload = {"KW":msg.payload.payload.wats/1000};
return msg;

The next json contains this flow in order to be imported:

[{"id":"bcfa644f1bf43d03","type":"tab","label":"Modify Incoming data","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"3310aff0318c010d","type":"server-events","z":"bcfa644f1bf43d03","name":"","asset":"","event":"device_callback_call","filter":"","filters":{},"bucket":"","device":"","endpoint":"","state":"","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":290,"y":140,"wires":[["d50d939aa230b928"]]},{"id":"d50d939aa230b928","type":"function","z":"bcfa644f1bf43d03","name":"W to KW","func":"msg.payload = {\"KW\":msg.payload.payload.wats/1000};\;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":480,"y":140,"wires":[["f6cc88d04b1b8cf8"]]},{"id":"f6cc88d04b1b8cf8","type":"bucket-write","z":"bcfa644f1bf43d03","name":"","bucket":"","value":"","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":650,"y":140,"wires":[]},{"id":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","type":"thinger-server","host":"$(THINGER_HOST)","name":"local","ssl":false}]

With the "Device create" and "Bucket create" nodes it is possible to create multiple devices, with the same or different credentials, types or groups; and create buckets associated to the recently created devices.

Creation of devices and assignment of buckets

This flow can be easily imported into your Node-RED workspace using the next JSON:

[{"id":"a4b9f2e08c15ad79","type":"tab","label":"Device creation","disabled":false,"info":"","env":[]},{"id":"507f1a24287e53e2","type":"function","z":"a4b9f2e08c15ad79","name":"loop - 10 devices","func":"let device = msg.device;\n\nfor (let i= 0; i < 10; i++) {\n    msg.device = `${device}_${i}`;\n = `${device} ${i}`;\n    msg.description = \"Device auto generated from Node-RED flow\";\n    node.send(msg);\n}","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":490,"y":220,"wires":[["752ee26eb02bed51"]]},{"id":"415e0ad528c64866","type":"inject","z":"a4b9f2e08c15ad79","name":"inject device name","props":[{"p":"device","v":"climastick","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","x":270,"y":220,"wires":[["507f1a24287e53e2"]]},{"id":"752ee26eb02bed51","type":"device-create","z":"a4b9f2e08c15ad79","name":"","deviceType":"Generic","deviceId":"","deviceCredentials":"&Xzi3LlG&lyaoyO2","deviceName":"","description":"","assetType":"temperature","assetGroup":"house","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":690,"y":220,"wires":[["e1da854b042efd77"]]},{"id":"69d16e383e46acd9","type":"debug","z":"a4b9f2e08c15ad79","name":"debug","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":715,"y":300,"wires":[],"l":false},{"id":"3be83c6bcc65f1cb","type":"comment","z":"a4b9f2e08c15ad79","name":"Create 10 device and assign a bucket to all of them","info":"This node creates 10 devices in Platform, in this case climasticks, from 0 to 9; all of them with the same credentials, type and group. Also, 10 buckets are created with the date source being the devices created.\n\n### Device create node\nThe device id, name and description are passed as input to the device create node, while the credentials, type and group is configured through the device create node dialog.\n\n### Bucket create node\nThe id, bucket name and description are passed as input to the bucket create node, as well as the extra source (the device in this case) for the data source.\nThe source (device), resource, update interval and asset type and group are configured through the bucket create node dialog.","x":350,"y":160,"wires":[]},{"id":"05af9a7c2958e6c6","type":"bucket-create","z":"a4b9f2e08c15ad79","name":"","bucketId":"","bucket":"","description":"","enabled":true,"source":"device","extraSource":"","resource":"temperature","update":"interval","interval":"1m","assetType":"temperature","assetGroup":"house","server":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","x":570,"y":300,"wires":[["69d16e383e46acd9"]]},{"id":"e1da854b042efd77","type":"change","z":"a4b9f2e08c15ad79","name":"Reorder message to create bucket","rules":[{"t":"delete","p":"payload","pt":"msg"},{"t":"set","p":"id","pt":"msg","to":"device","tot":"msg"},{"t":"move","p":"name","pt":"msg","to":"bucket","tot":"msg"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":320,"y":300,"wires":[["05af9a7c2958e6c6"]]},{"id":"ec0dd4b1ef5aa9a8","type":"thinger-server","host":"$(THINGER_HOST)","name":"local","ssl":false}]


Learn how to create devices here, and data buckets here